Mark Holtzen, Seattle WA, April 4th, 2024
“Begin Anywhere – John Cage”

Reader, writer, educator, children’s literature  advocate

I live in Seattle with my family. I taught third grade for sixteen years and love to create, enjoy, and share children’s books. I also like to ride my bicycles, garden, play guitar, draw, listen to great music, and hang out with people and pets.

Mark Holtzen, Seattle WA, April 4th, 2024
“Begin Anywhere” – John Cage


Children’s Book

Mark loves to write stories for children, and interview children’s book makers. He loves sharing about books he loves and why. He is a passionate advocate for everything kidlit, for libraries & librarians, independent bookstores and their booksellers. Have a use for that?

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Writing Instruction – Group or Individual

Mark is good at connecting with humans, young and old. He taught elementary school (science, language arts, math, gifted education). For years, he has worked with other storytellers, critiquing and being critiqued. He’s here to help you write your first story, revise your fifth, and help advise you on your end goals. He has been writing for many years and has worked in picture books, middle grade novels, and personal essays, and is delving into young adult, as well.

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Author Visits or Speaking Engagements.

Mark is working toward an MFA in writing for children at Vermont College of Fine Arts and loves talking about children’s literature. He has spoken with after school writing clubs, at youth writing conferences, in classrooms age pre-k to high school. He is happy to tailor his talk to your group or current unit.

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  • We loved the presentation and it was particularly great to hear about your challenges and massive edits/rewrites. Helps us keep faith 🙂 My students provided the following feedback: “Great strategies for editing and revising work. We liked hearing about your struggles like when you are down on yourself or think you are a bad writer – it tells us that it happens to all writers, even the best of them, and we should keep going. We like the examples you used from your own life to inspire stories. We really liked the strategy you showed us to narrow down possible story ideas and focus on a plot. You inspired me to keep writing, even when it seems tough. I won’t be so afraid of a little editing next time I write.

    Amanda Jones & her middle schoolers
  • Mark’s book, A Ticket to the Pennant, is a great story about perseverance, responsibility and community. The book has a unique way of also sharing a slice of Seattle’s history at the same time. A teacher by trade, Mark fielded questions with ease, and kept kids engaged. My kids did a lot of work crafting stories this school year, and it was wonderful that Mark shared his personal experiences as a published author and insights about the writing process. At the end if the session, Mark led the kids through a story starter… all of the kids began bubbling over with ideas. It was great.

    Thank you Mark! I can’t wait to read what you come up with next!

    Brenna Profit, Kindergarten Teacher
  • After years of having my Advanced Ecology students undertake research projects, I’d been searching for new ways for my students to communicate their findings. Though I have used a variety of formats, Mark introduced my class the concept of presenting their work as an illustrated children’s book. This technique required my students to take complex ecological concepts, distill them down, and communicate them clearly to a broad audience. With helpful examples and valuable insights from his own experience, Mark offered expert guidance that was really well received by my students. Their completed projects exceeded my expectations!

    David Joneschild, High School Science Teacher

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